December 02 2018
Desktop updates:
- uploaded day1 and made some tweaks to older posts, trying to figure out the problem with the tables
- do to all the testing I use
git add -A && git commit -m 'day one8' && git push
to create posts in one line, the&&
waits for the first command to finish - my mistake was that I didn’t hat a free line between the header and the table…
- fucked up the backup from yesterday so I had to start over again…
- do to all the testing I use
Pi Calendar
- connected the red LED to pins 6(gnd) and 12(GPIO18)
- Started the preinstalled program Sctretch
- opened the file 02led02
- tweked the delay, added an other blink and a delay in between
- run the program with the green flag in the top right corner